1. Register loan with lender.
7 business day waiting period for lender to send out disclosures to borrower.
2. Order appraisal.
Another approximate 7 business day waiting period for completion and receipt of appraisal.
3. Submit complete loan package (including appraisal) to underwriting for loan approval.
Another 2-7 business days to complete the underwriting process.
4. Complete fee sheet for lender and order closing documents.
Another 3-7 business days for the lender to disclose final documents to borrower.
5. Close after 28 business days. IF the lender approves the loan.
6. IF the rate, terms, or fees have changed.
Another 7 business days for the lender to redisclose all updated loan documents to borrower.
7. Resubmit the loan to underwriting for approval.
Another 2-4 business days.
8. Complete a new fee sheet and order closing documents.
Another 2-4 business days.
9. Close after 43 business days.
We are closing loans in as little as 3 weeks. Call to find out how.
“Mortgage Lending is Our Business: Customer Service is Our Passion.”
Stay tuned and stay in touch with your mortgage professional. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. David. 919.851.0999.